You have a place in God’s Story.

Orange United Methodist Church
We welcome, nurture, and equip all people to find their place in God's family, their community, and the world.
Pathways, our contemporary service,
gathers on Sunday at 9 am in the Fellowship Hall
Traditions, our traditional service,
gathers on Sunday at 11:10 am in the Sanctuary
We are currently streaming online and gathering in-person.
Recorded services from the past are available as well.
1220 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Office Hours: M-Th 9:00am-2:00pm

Orange UMC is a Lighthouse Congregation. We are a church that is equipped and willing to be a caring and hospitable place that welcomes anyone whose church has closed or disaffiliated.
Stephen Ministry is a one-to-one ministry by trained, caring lay ministers. Through one-to-one caring and confidential relationships, those who are hurting receive the love and care they need to support them through particularly challenging times.