Dec. 20: Love by Doris Click
Love Came Down at Christmas by Christina G. Rossetti (pub. 1885)
Love came down at Christmas Love came down at Christmas
Love all lovely, Love divine;
Love was born at Christmas,
Star and angels gave the sign.
Love shall be our token,
Love be yours and love be mine,
Love to God and all men,
Love for plea and gift and sign.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son That whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. (NIV)
You don’t have to watch a Hallmark movie at this time of year to feel that love is in the air. It is a time when we not only find ways to express our love to our family and close friends, but also to those with whom we have no connection: the poor, the sick, the prisoner. I know we should be extending help all year long, but it is usually in December when we make a special effort to support those who are needy.
The decorations, the music, the whole atmosphere reminds us that this is a time of celebration, of remembering with gratitude that we are surrounded by others who love us in return. Stories, TV shows, movies (even Die Hard) end on an up-note, with the characters coming together and realizing their connection and happiness with each other.
And then, I realize that this season of hope, love, joy and peace began with the birth of a tiny baby in Bethlehem. It is our faith that spreads this feeling of joy and anticipation of the good that life has to offer, this belief that miracles can and do happen, that there is good in the world and in our fellow human beings. God loved us enough to send His Son to show us His love and to teach us how to love others. So, when you look up at the stars, or listen to a familiar carol, or just hold the hand of someone dear, remember who loves us, everyone, and be glad.
PRAYER: Dearest Father, Thank you for the love that You showed us with the gift of Jesus. Help us to remember, every day, that You are with us, guiding us, supporting us, encouraging us, and even disciplining us, because of Your great love that never fails. And remind us to open our hands and hearts to show Your love to others, not just at this season of rejoicing, but always.
—Doris Click