Children’s Ministry

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
Psalm 139:14

Nursery Care is offered on Sundays from 8:45am - 12:15pm
Sunday Morning Opportunities
Kindergarten - 5th grade
The Zone — 10:00-11:00am in Room #106
The theme for this year’s spring musical is the "Sermon on the Mound." We will have one performance on April 27th at 6 pm. Please encourage your children to join us for this fun and festive event. We look forward to seeing them there and to a fantastic season of singing, acting, and celebrating the joy of spring!
CrossWired — 9:15-10:00am in Room #110
Children are dismissed after the music during the 9am Pathways Service and led downstairs to participate in one of several activities:
1st Sundays – Prayer Journals
2nd Sundays – Sign Language
3rd Sundays – Service Projects
4th Sundays – Science
5th Sundays – Celebrations
All Children are welcome in church services or may join the children’s activities.
Orange Preschool↗ is a ministry of Orange United Methodist Church.