Sunday Services 

Pathways Contemporary Service • 9 am

This service, held in the Fellowship Hall, combines a more relaxed worship style with a contemporary praise band. During this service, the nursery, Pre-K Sunday School, and Crosswired (Kindergarten-5th grade Sunday School that is released during service) are offered. Children are welcome to remain in worship as well. Holy Communion is offered the first Sunday of each month.

What To Expect

During our 9 am Pathways service, expect to find folks in jeans having a cup of coffee before or after service. Our Welcome Team is stationed next to the door to answer any questions or offer any assistance you may need. Nursery and children’s programming are offered during this hour downstairs (K-5 are released after our opening songs!). Following the service, we invite you to join us for one of our many Sunday Small Group opportunities during the 10 am hour!

Questions about the service? Contact the church office.

Traditional Service • 11:10 am

During this service, in the Sanctuary, we sing traditional hymns from The United Methodist Hymnal and The Faith We Sing. This hour of worship includes musical offerings from our chancel choir and other talented musicians. Holy Communion is offered the first Sunday of each month.

What To Expect

Nursery and K-5 programming are offered downstairs in the building next door (the building with the church office). Our pastoral leadership robes during this service. This service is opened and closed with the lighting of the altar candles. The Apostles’ Creed, Lord’s Prayer, and Prayers of the People are observed weekly. We invite you to join us before this hour of worship for one of our many Discipleship/Sunday School opportunities during the 10 am hour!

Check out videos of recent services!