Adult Ministries

 Sunday Morning Small Groups

  • The Cornerstone Class is an intergenerational Sunday school class of both men and women, with Ephesians 2:19-20 the verse from which the class name comes. Led by Rick Strunk, the class focuses on Bible study, either going through a book of the Bible, a topical study, or using another book (Max Lucado, etc.) as a lens to study Scripture. The class meets in person in the Heritage Hut during the discipleship hour starting at 10 am.

  • Each Sunday, the Seekers Sunday School class, led by Pastor Adam, engages in the Wired Word curriculum. This study demonstrates the Bible's relevance by relating it to current events. This is a diverse group of people that come together to learn more about God's word. We meet at 10:00am in the Homestead Hut. Contact Pastor Adam for more information.

  • Parents! Join us on Sunday mornings at 10am in the parlor as we gather for fellowship and conversation. Childcare is provided during the Sunday school hour. Email the church office for more information.

  • Start Your Week with Insight: Join 'Context & Communion' Sunday mornings at 10:00 am in the Choir Room for Thoughtful, Collaborative Bible Study & Discussion. Please contact the church office with any questions.

Weekly Small Groups

  • This is a new style of small group! We will meet at the Pumpkin Loop near church at 1pm and walk the trail. While walking, Pastor Kori will offer a guided prayer, and we will share reflections as we walk together.

  • LIFT (Learning In Faith Together) is a group of women who meet on Tuesday evenings via Zoom to discuss Bible studies and how they apply to our lives. From 7:00-8:30pm, we view a short video, go over the previous week's readings and then, most importantly, share our joys and concerns. Each study typically lasts for six weeks. The readings take about 20 minutes, five times a week, but all are encouraged to join in the discussion even if they haven't done all the reading. Doris Click leads the study, and you can contact her through the church office to be added to the Zoom meeting list.

  • Band of Brothers is a men’s morning Bible study that has been meeting for about 15 years. Our study continues to meet via Zoom and actually grew substantially despite pandemic restrictions, now including folks from multiple states and locations such as Asheville, Burlington and Cary as well as our immediate area. The Band meets at 7 am on Thursdays. Contact Rick Strunk or the church office for additional information, a syllabus, or Zoom credentials.

  • The Monday Night Bible Study meets virtually every Monday night at 7:15 pm. We start with hymn singing, then we move to announcements, study, sharing, and prayer. If you are interested, please contact the church office.

  • The Circle is a group of women whose mission is to serve God and share our talents wherever we feel our church or community might need us. The Circle meets via Zoom on the second Tuesday of the month. Please email the office for the Zoom meeting information.

Monthly Small Groups

  • The Women’s Book Club meets on the last Friday of the month at 7:00 pm. Please contact Pastor Kori for additional information.

    • March: The Life Impossible by Matt Haig

    • April: The Moonflowers byAbigail Rose-Marie

    • May: The Paris Library by Janet Skeslien Charles

    • June: Fierce Convictions: The Extraordinary Life of Hannah More by Karen Swallow Prior 

  • The Young at Heart is a group for folks ages 50 and up, both women and men at Orange UMC. Together we aim to explore, fellowship, learn, and have fun. It is an opportunity to invite your friend or neighbor who is not at OUMC to join us and meet some new friends. Our group is self-sustaining, not requesting funding from the church.

    Click here to learn more.

Prayer Groups

  • The Intercessory Prayer Team is a group of six to ten people who pray daily for requests or needs brought to our attention by individuals and the OUMC staff. In addition, during the academic year we meet on Wednesdays at 1:15 pm and at noon throughout the winter and summer breaks. (We have continued through the pandemic to pray at our homes.) All information is kept confidential. All are welcome to come be a part of this vital ministry. Please contact Jean Barr or the church office.

  • The Prayers Shawl Ministry (Knit One, Pray Too) is a ministry of love and care for people who are going through crisis in their lives (health issue, divorce, death, etc.). Shawls are knitted or crocheted by loving hands with lots of prayer. The shawls are put on the altar and prayed over, then placed in a bag with a note of encouragement. There are also baby blankets that this ministry creates for newborns in our congregation or babies born in crisis in and out of the church. The bagged shawls and baby blankets are kept in the office. If a need arises, please contact the church office or Virginia Andrews to receive one. We are in need of caring hands to help make the prayer shawls and baby blankets. If you are interested in helping contact the church office or Virginia Andrews.