Dec. 23: Shine by Adam Seate
The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overtake it. – John 1:5
I once served a church that had a huge, magnificent stained glass window from floor to ceiling directly behind the altar. Many times you could hear first-time visitors enter the Sanctuary uttering, “Wow!” On bright, sunny days, the colors were incredibly captivating, and I knew that even on the Sundays that my sermon was not quite the best, at least parishioners could not help but be moved by the beauty of the window.
However, when we would have an evening service, the window was not as pronounced. Even though the church had some exterior lights pointed at the huge window, they were not sufficient to truly illuminate the windows from the inside. This wall of a window that was so amazing during the day became a wall of darkened, colored glass. The beauty of the window was not found in the color of the glass. The beauty of the window was found in the light that penetrated it.
As followers of Christ, I try to envision all of us as stained-glass windows. Our lives have been individually hand-crafted and colored throughout the years. And as beautiful as each piece of the window may be, the beauty is found in the Light that shines through. I consider it such an honor to get to witness the beautiful creation that each of you are! The Light shines through the darkness, and the Light shines through you! As you prepare to celebrate the birth of the Light of the World that shines and cannot be overtaken, may you too marvel at the Light as it shines through one another.
Light of the world, you stepped down into darkness, opened my eyes and let me see. Beauty that made this heart adore you, hope of a life spent with You. Here I am to worship, here I am to bow down, here I am to say that You're my God. You're altogether lovely, altogether worthy, altogether wonderful to me. Amen. (Here I Am to Worship, Tim Hughes)
--Adam Seate