Christmas Eve Services - December 24th, 2024

  • Times: 5:00pm, 7:00pm & 9:00pm

  • Locations: 5pm - OUMC Fellowship Hall | 7 & 9pm - OUMC Sanctuary

This year we will be having 3 Candlelight Christmas Eve services! At 5:00PM in the Fellowship Hall, we will have a contemporary service featuring music from our Pathways worship team. At 7:00PM, we will have a traditional service in the Sanctuary, featuring traditional carols and hymns as a part of the service. And at 9:00PM in the Sanctuary, we will have an "acoustic" service, featuring the same music from the 5:00PM service, but being lead by an acoustic guitar. Childcare will be provided at the 5:00 & 7:00 services only. Ushers and nursery workers are needed. Please contact the church office if you are available to serve.