Download sermons from our Sunday services if you missed them or just want to listen again!
Beyond the Tomb: Part 5
Pastor Kori brings us the word this week! Join us as she dives back into John 21 and shares the conversation between Peter and Jesus!
Beyond the Tomb: Part 4
Do smells bring back certain emotions for you? Well join us as Pastor Adam as he preaches from John 21 and shares with us just how powerful those emotions can be!
Beyond the Tomb: Part 3
Join Pastor Kori as she takes us down the famous Road to Emmaus story in Luke!
Beyond the Tomb: Part 2
Join Pastor Adam as he tells the story of the conspiracy to cover the resurrection of Jesus and the commission that Jesus gave to his disciples!
Beyond the Tomb: Part 1
Join us this week as Pastor Brad kicks off our “Beyond the Tomb” sermon series and talks about “doubting Thomas”! Can our doubts and questions really be a good thing? Spoiler alert: Yes they can!
Maundy Thursday
Pastor Kori shares Jesus final command to his disciples before he must go the cross.
Table Talks: Prayer
Join Pastor Kori and Pastor Adam as they sit around a table and talk about prayer habits! They offer some great tips and resources, so sit back and join us!
We've Got Questions: Part 5
Pastor Kori dives into the Gospel of John to look at Jesus’s raising of Lazarus.