Young At Heart

The Young at Heart is a group for folks ages 50 and up, both women and men at Orange UMC. Together we aim to explore, fellowship, learn, and have fun. It is an opportunity to invite your friend or neighbor who is not at OUMC to join us and meet some new friends. Our group is self-sustaining, not requesting funding from the church. Contact Alice Finnell or the church office for more information.

Young at Heart May Outing

On Friday, May 17th,  Young at Heart were honored to have a personalized tour of the Pauli Murray Center for History and Social Justice in Durham, NC. In December 2016, the center located in the childhood home of Pauli Murray was designated a National Historical Landmark for the National Park Service. Calvetta Watlington, Managing Director of the Center for History and Social Justice, led our personal tour. Her enthusiasm and animation captured our attention as she taught us about Pauli Murray.

Motherless at age 3, Pauli was raised by her mother’s family in
Durham, NC. Her father was in a mental institution at the time of her mother’s death. Born in 1910, Pauli left Durham to attend Hunter College in NYC at age 16. Pauli became a lawyer, a civil rights activist, poet, educator, a scholar, an author, an Episcopal priest, and advocate for women, Blacks, and gender equality.

We adjourned to a BBQ lunch at Picnic, a favorite in Durham. Overall, it was a most enjoyable day.

Alice Finnell, Young at Heart co-ordinator

Young At Heart Outings