November 26th, 2023

On this last Sunday before we begin our Advent journey, we declare as a church, "Christ is King." Christ is King over all creation, and Christ is King over our hearts. Before we welcome him in the humility of a manger and in the innocence of an infant, we proclaim his power and authority. This day offers us an opportunity to reflect upon the ways our lives embody that declaration that Christ is, indeed, King. John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, did a daily inventory of 22 questions to ponder how he was living into Christ's power and presence in his life. Ignatius of Loyola gave us the spiritual discipline of the Daily Examen to consider the ways we are seeking and seeing God in our world. This final Sunday of our "Christian Year" offers an opportunity to reflect upon how our discipleship has embodied Christ's power and presence in our lives this last year, and the newness of Advent invites us to live with intention of how we can be more aware of Christ as King over our lives.


December 3rd, 2023


November 19th, 2023