November 19th, 2023
Being willing to go where God is leading requires faith, and for many of us, listening for God's guidance is difficult. When we feel God's nudge, we often resist. We realize we are being asked to go in a direction we neither intended nor desired. We had plans, and we knew where we were going. We don't want to relinquish control. We are afraid. And yet, God is persistent and clear - this is God's will even thought it may not be yours. It requires faith to live the life God's call us to live. It requires faith that God knows better than we do. It requires a willingness to step out in faith and trust God. From our baptism, we are sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked as Christ's own forever. The journey toward generosity is grounded in gratitude, revealed through prayer and sealed by faith. When we fully live into that journey, we rediscover God's will for our lives and it brings us home.