Administered by Orange United Methodist Church

1220 Martin Luther King Boulevard, Chapel Hill, NC



CHAPEL HILL—An outstanding student-athlete from Chapel Hill High School has been named the recipient of the 2024 Coy Maddry Memorial Scholarship Award from Orange United Methodist Church.

Stephen Krzastek has been selected for the award and will receive a grant of one thousand dollars from the church. He was be recognized during worship services on Sunday, June 9.

Stephen, the son of Donna and Stephen Krzastek of Chapel Hill, is a graduating senior at Chapel Hill High who has carried a 4.4048 grade point average and is a member of the Spanish Honor Society. A church member who went through his confirmation at Orange United Methodist, he has also been active in YoungLife and in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes at Chapel Hill and has served as a Bible study leader. He has volunteered numerous times to assist at various YoungLife camps. He played varsity baseball for the Tigers, earning a letter as a senior and going three for four at the plate in his Senior Night game. A talented musician who plays both the piano and the guitar, Stephen will attend Northeastern University in Boston this fall.


The scholarship comes from the fund established by family and friends in memory of Avery Coy Maddry, a 1990 graduate of Chapel Hill High School and a freshman at North Carolina State University at the time of his tragic death at the age of 18 on January 7, 1991. The fund is administered through Orange, where Coy was an active member, and the award is in its 34th year, one of the church’s longest continuous ministries.

The scholarship candidates must be varsity athletic letter winners at a Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools high school who best exemplify Coy's life through qualities he demonstrated: hard work and dedication, strong academics, and exemplary character and leadership as reflected in church, school and civic activities.

Coaches, teachers and administrators may nominate candidates for the honor.

The scholarship is given on an annual basis from the interest accrued by the fund. Memorials may still made to the Orange UMC/Coy Maddry Scholarship Fund.

Past Winners

1991 - Matt Stevens |

1992 - Michael Clontz |

1993 - Andre Taylor |

1994 - Tom Kindem |

1995 - Mary Schliebe, Becky Andersen |

1996 - Elizabeth Costa, Seth Harward, Hunter Lewis, Jennifer White |

1997 - Erica Newmark, Nick Trotta |

1998 - Alicia Ammons, Martina Williams, Adam Pomerantz |

1999 - Katie Ploghoft |

2000 - Inchull Lee, Julie Scearce |

2001 - Rachel Kitson, Lindsay Strunk |

2002 - Kate Crandall, Hadley Thom |

2003 - Heather Kendell, Chris Conway |

2004 - No award given |

2005 - Elizabeth Williams |

2006 - Scott Anderson, Daniel Acker |

2007 - Kent Pecora |

2008 - Wesley Strunk, Jeremy Harn |

2009 - Alessa Lennon |

2010 - Katie Krantz, Sam Marks |

2011 - Bill Collette, Adam Glasser |

2012 - Connor Roach |

2013 - Peter Rathmell, Alexa Young |

2014 - Katie Wilson |

2015 - Allie Parker |

2016 - Kate Wood |

2017 - Jackson Pettee, Paige Watson |

2018 - No award given |

2019 - Jackson Lehner |

2020 - Samatha Breschi, Joshua Facello |

2021 - Gabrielle DeHart |

2022 - No award given |

2023 - Olivia DeHart, Anna Newman |

2024 - Stephen Krzastek |

1991 - Matt Stevens | 1992 - Michael Clontz | 1993 - Andre Taylor | 1994 - Tom Kindem | 1995 - Mary Schliebe, Becky Andersen | 1996 - Elizabeth Costa, Seth Harward, Hunter Lewis, Jennifer White | 1997 - Erica Newmark, Nick Trotta | 1998 - Alicia Ammons, Martina Williams, Adam Pomerantz | 1999 - Katie Ploghoft | 2000 - Inchull Lee, Julie Scearce | 2001 - Rachel Kitson, Lindsay Strunk | 2002 - Kate Crandall, Hadley Thom | 2003 - Heather Kendell, Chris Conway | 2004 - No award given | 2005 - Elizabeth Williams | 2006 - Scott Anderson, Daniel Acker | 2007 - Kent Pecora | 2008 - Wesley Strunk, Jeremy Harn | 2009 - Alessa Lennon | 2010 - Katie Krantz, Sam Marks | 2011 - Bill Collette, Adam Glasser | 2012 - Connor Roach | 2013 - Peter Rathmell, Alexa Young | 2014 - Katie Wilson | 2015 - Allie Parker | 2016 - Kate Wood | 2017 - Jackson Pettee, Paige Watson | 2018 - No award given | 2019 - Jackson Lehner | 2020 - Samatha Breschi, Joshua Facello | 2021 - Gabrielle DeHart | 2022 - No award given | 2023 - Olivia DeHart, Anna Newman | 2024 - Stephen Krzastek |